Quite a few people are really into Facebook, others are into Twitter or fascinated with Instagram, and there are still those who use MySpace. I use to have MySpace several years ago but have since traded it in for Facebook and Twitter. I never did get into Instagram but maybe one day I will if…
Month: July 2017

The Storm
Dark clouds roll across the sky, squashing out the happy blue to leave an angry deep gray sky above.

Burning The Midnight Oil
The phrase, burning the midnight oil, has always fascinated me whenever used not because it talks about a time before electricity is being used for nightly chores, especially writing, but because of the imagery that the phrase provokes. In my head, I see a small roughly made desk with an uncomfortable chair set in front…

The New Blogger on the Block
Hello! I’m known as Crazdwriter because of my love of writing and I decided that it is time to begin blogging once again.