Flash Fiction Theme – Pumpkins – Theme by: Cara Gordon A blanket of leaves covers the ground of the farm as fall settles in for a spell. The farmer walks through his fields, admiring the leaves and the small pumpkins still growing. Little green pumpkins clinging to the vine, hidden by the giant leaves. Some…

Not Quite Orange
Flash Fiction Theme- Pumpkins- Given to me by Cara Gordon Pumpkins sit on the ground in rows, waiting for little hands to grab them up and take them home. Oranges ones, white ones, and even small green ones still working on growing. Big ones, medium ones, bumpy ones, smooth ones. All the pumpkins dance in…

Laundry Gremlins
Flash Fiction Theme- Laundry It has been a week since the laundry fairies have visited Shari. She forgot to make the sweets and leave them out as a thank you. Her note she had made that night slipped off the counter and was nowhere to be seen. So just like the note, it has slipped…

Laundry Fairies
Flash Fiction Theme – Laundry Shari groans when she looks at her growing pile of laundry in the corner of her room. She needs to do it, but she has to get to work on her articles for the magazine where she works. Shari closes her bedroom door and takes a quick a shower. While…

Journaling Workshop for Women Only – 3
Wounded Warrior Program – Kristen – Writer’s, Inc. Theme – Self-Discovery- Prompt- What is Your Greatest Gift? Warning This took a lot of courage to not only write but to read aloud to the group. They made me feel safe and loved even though I was in tears. This one hit hard and I hope…