Roll – A – Prompt Romance Book I let my youngest daughter pick which prompt book I should write a short story from. I then gave her one of her Scooby-Doo Dice and let her roll for me. She rolled for my character, my object, and my scenario. The character number she rolled was #…

The Good, The Bad, and The Eh
Writing isn’t always perfect I have recently written a romance short story for my blog, but I know that it isn’t any good. How? I just wasn’t feeling it. I wrote it, and it’s there, but it is definitely just eh. Will I post it? I sure will! Why? Because it is great for my…

Santa’s Tooting Tooshie
Book Review I know, I know, it’s not Christmas time, so why am I posting a book review two months later about a Christmas book? Mainly because I can. But also because this book is hilarious. And there are more just like it. This book was written by Humor Heals Us. It is book number…

5 Great US Cities for Solopreneurs and Digital Nomads
She’s back I am excited to say that Jessica Brody is back working on a new article for you all to read. She has found some great information and added links to help anyone who is thinking of moving. Check it out! Collaboration Today, thanks to the wide availability of the internet and various online…

Minnie Mouse Merry Mint
Coffee Review My husband, Ryan, bought us some coffee from Amazon. I wanted something Disney and something that would be good for Christmas time. We looked at the Disney coffees on Amazon and I saw this one, so I saved it on one of my lists. We’ve had other coffees by Joffrey’s, so I was…