What I Rolled For this one, you don’t have to choose an object if you rolled an even number or a partner if you rolled an odd number. You roll a dice and whatever number it lands on, you write down a character, an object, and a scenario. Character- Rolled # 4- President of Lovecraft…

Antique Horror
Part 2 “My son, let me help you,” a voice says behind Amy. Amy snaps her head around to see who has snuck up behind her. She pulls herself free and lunges at the man in all black with a white strip in his collar. “Priest,” Amy hisses. “Go away!” “Demon, be gone! Leave this…

Roll-A-Prompt Short Story
What I Rolled If you roll an even number, your character is alone and you can choose and object. If you roll an odd number, you roll again for a partner for your first character. Then roll for an object if character is alone. And lastly, roll for a scenario. Character- #5- Elevator technician Since…

Horror Writing Prompts- 33 Simple Prompts Prompt #9- A chef cannot work out how she keeps sending her customers to the hospital with severe food poisoning. My Story Chef Diana Halls hums as she gets ready for the dinner rush at The Swan Paradise. She loves her job and can’t wait to cook up some…

Surgery Update
Warning! I will be writing about periods, my surgery, and what I have to deal with now that it is over. So if you don’t like period talk or talking about blood, don’t read this! Day after surgery I had my surgery yesterday. I was so nervous waiting for the surgery to start. My surgery…