Chapter 14 Tanya stands in front of Morlock’s house before anyone is awake, her bags hidden in the stable ready to go once she has finished her business with Morlock. She looks around, her new cloak’s hood over her head and face to hide her from prying eyes but no one else is awake. She…

The Deadliest of Lovers
Chapter 13 Tanya tiptoes into the village, stopping outside of Morlock’s house, wondering if the man is still awake. She looks at the other silent and dark houses around her on the street, seeing that everyone else is asleep. She gently wraps her knuckles against the door, not really expecting it to open but to…

The Deadliest of Lovers
Chapter 12 Tanya stands at the bottom of the valley that leads up to Fire Mountains, glad that she has finally made it after having been traveling by horse and foot for two days straight with very little sleep and food. She walks into the field, her horse prancing nervously behind her. She turns and…

The Deadliest of Lovers
Chapter 11 Three days come and go and soon the girls are home from their next adventure, excited to be back so they can tell their friend Lennie, who sadly couldn’t go with them, all about the new town they went to and about the items they bought. As the wagon drives past Morlock’s home,…

The Deadliest of Lovers
Chapter 10 Stacy and Tanya squeal like little girls as they walk into the village of Spring Valley, which sits three days East of their village. Behind them, the horse-drawn wagon steadily moves forward being led by Tanya’s father and filled with their supplies and sleeping bags that they used along the way on their…