October Writing Prompts- Pinterest List by ZellyKatArt October 19- Bones Note: Sorry this one is late. I was busy yesterday. The one I need to post today will be posted tomorrow with the prompt for tomorrow as well. Morgan and her husband, Bryan, walked from their car to the farmhouse. They had read that the…
Tag: bad

Laundry Gremlins
Flash Fiction Theme- Laundry It has been a week since the laundry fairies have visited Shari. She forgot to make the sweets and leave them out as a thank you. Her note she had made that night slipped off the counter and was nowhere to be seen. So just like the note, it has slipped…

Endometrial Ablation
WARNING If you don’t like to talk about periods, then skip this blog. That is all this one is about. What is it? It is basically the burning of a woman’s uterus lining. It is to help those of us women who deal with periods, and not just any periods, very heavy periods by burning…