Chapter 2 Jeff pulls into his driveway in front of a lovely one-story brick house. He smiles and gets out of the car, happy to be home after a long day at the pharmacy. After locking his car, he glances around his quiet neighborhood, appreciating the beauty. He waves to a few neighbors as they…
Tag: Blood

Rose’s House
Chapter 4 Jean and Tom shake their heads as they carry Rose’s things out of the house. As they load the back of their truck, a realtor walks up and places a ‘For Sale’ sign in the front yard. The realtor glances at them, smiles and walks off, heading back to her car. “It’s such…

Rose’s House
Chapter 3 Rose opens her eyes to find herself staring at her new house, outside. She looks down and pulls out the front door keys. They had been in her front pocket just like before. She jiggles them in her hand and instead of growing excited; she feels dread. Her legs push her forward to…

Rose’s House
Chapter 2 Rose stands in front of her new house, shifting her weight excitedly. Rose pushes up her rose-colored glasses up on her nose and pulls out the keys from her front pocket. She jingles them as she walks to the door. Rose slips the house key into the lock. She giggles as she listens…

The Legend of the Blue Eyes
Book Review I just finished this book yesterday and I have to say that it did take me a month to read it but it was the best month ever. I had to steal away time to read and I am glad that I did. This book was NOT what I expected at all. From…