Chapter 2 A month later, Steven finishes another funeral before taking time to shower in his little house behind Holy Trinity church. It is an older church, not falling a part, but one day it could. Once clean, he heads for the local coffee shop to get a coffee and breakfast. He walks into Beans…
Tag: cemetary

Trinity’s Curse
Chapter 1 A tan arm wipes the sweat off a tall man’s forehead. Coffee brown eyes glance at the clear blue sky. A few crows flies past, squawking at the man working below. He grumbles as he gets back to work, digging a hole for a funeral that will take place in 4 hours. He…

Trinity’s Curse- Setting up the Story
Roll-A-Prompt Horror Book I took a break from typing up one of my books I hope to get published in a year or two and grabbed my Roll-A-Prompt horror book again. I love using these books and I have written reviews on them before. I grabbed a die, rolled it, and got to work. Here…