Chapter 8 The week skims by quickly and soon she has found herself up early on the day she plans to leave to go to the next town where she must complete tasks 3 and 4. She has told her parents that she wishes to go and find new fabric for new clothes, having grown…
Tag: curses

The Deadliest of Lovers
Chapter 7 Tanya throws out the rest of the cakes before she gets home, loosening her shoulders so that her mother can’t see that she is under distress. She forces a small smile on her lips as she goes inside to greet her mother. She sits down and talks to her mom a bit, sneaking…

The Deadliest of Lovers
Chapter 6 Tanya carries the water from the well to her house the next morning with her friends, Stacy and Lennie beside her. They chat and laugh about what they plan to do now that she has been set free from her home. They would go on that hike through the woods that sits to…

The Deadliest of Lovers
Chapter 5 Morlock left Tanya alone at the waterfall, racing back towards town to get to his home. His heart broke, shattered after she told him that she loves another, not him. His dreams crumbling right before his eyes as she stared off at the waterfall talking about him finding another to marry and make…

The Deadliest of Lovers
Chapter 3 The sun slowly rises over the little village, causing those who wake up early to stir with the first sounds of chirping birds. Morlock steps out of the basement, stretching his arms over his head since he had been working late in the night, practicing his magic as he always did at night…