Sarah stares over Sapphire’s shoulder, her hair whipping behind her as the dragon flies with ease. She can hear the wind loudly in her ears but also the great beast’s wings as they flap. Sapphire keeps her eyes forward, urging the dragon forward unaware of the danger that is nearly less than two and a…
Tag: dragon

A Quest For Love- Chapter 5
Eric eases his horse to a stop, having been running for quite a while, the horse asking for a break. He glances behind him as Adam and Kyle’s horses come to a stop beside his, all three horses breathing hard from the long run, their muscles vibrating with the need to go again. Eric pats…

A Quest For Love- Chapter 4
Laeros lands before nightfall, his wings growing tired from flying and stopping all day. Sapphire is annoyed that Sarah has made them stop so many times saying she needed to use the restroom or that she felt sick. They were nowhere near the area she had wanted to stop for the night, but they were…