Flash Fiction- Theme- Summer Sitting at the coffee shop, Paul stares out the window. His mind is reeling with thoughts about the work he misses, about his retirement party a few years ago, about his late wife, and where he wants to go in life. He taps his thumbs on the table, waiting for his…
Tag: fiction

Mother From Another Dimension?
Chapter 5 “Excuse me, young lady,” Jack turns on his heel to stare at me. “You do not talk to your mother in that tone. Now get upstairs and pack your belongings.” He points towards the stairs with force. “Go!” I set my fork down on my plate, laughing at Jack before I stand up,…

Mother From Another Dimension?
Chapter 4 My parents return to the kitchen, still chatting in hushed forces while grabbing the plates and setting the table for my special birthday breakfast. They refuse to look at our guests as they put the plates on the counter beside the oven. “Did you tell her we will look for a house nearby…

A Mother from Another Dimension?
Chapter 3 Darlene and Jack turn to look at me, shocked that I had appeared out of nowhere. I wipe the seat from my forehead, still glaring at the strangers. I remove my earbuds from my ears and shove them into my pocket that holds my phone. I shift one foot forward, cross my arms,…