Chapter 4 “We’re sorry you had to witness such a gruesome sight, Mr. Harris. We’ll start looking for your missing wife immediately, as well as the murderer.” The officer closes his notebook. He is about to step away but stops. “One last question. Do you know the victim?” “Yes, it’s Sheila Roberts. I knew the…
Tag: horror author

Pharmacist’s Wife
Chapter 3 Jeff sits outside on the front stairs, staring off into space. The sight of what he had seen in the bedroom is all he can see. Even with people bustling around him. Lights flash, police run in and out of his house, and EMTs rush inside with a gurney. The squeaking wheels from…

Pharmacist’s Wife
Chapter 2 Jeff pulls into his driveway in front of a lovely one-story brick house. He smiles and gets out of the car, happy to be home after a long day at the pharmacy. After locking his car, he glances around his quiet neighborhood, appreciating the beauty. He waves to a few neighbors as they…

Pharmacist’s Wife
Roll-A-Prompt Horror Edition Character: Roll 1 number (If even, main character is alone. If odd, roll again for a companion.) #4 – Pharmacist Object: # 5- Hatchet Scenario: #4- cookies bruning in the oven Chapter 1 Jeff yawns and glances at the clock. He still had three more hours before he can go home. Running…

The Tide – Part 4
Two Days Later Archie finishes putting together a simple yet elegant display of poetry books about love in the front of the bookstore. He places a few fake flowers as the finishing touch. He looks up to see Mr. and Mrs. Collins’ son and daughter leave the office in the back with a couple of…