Chapter 4 “We’re sorry you had to witness such a gruesome sight, Mr. Harris. We’ll start looking for your missing wife immediately, as well as the murderer.” The officer closes his notebook. He is about to step away but stops. “One last question. Do you know the victim?” “Yes, it’s Sheila Roberts. I knew the…
Tag: prompt book

Kitchen Timer
Chapter 5 Two days before the beach camping trip, Rodney dials Bob’s number on his cell phone. He waits until he hears his friend’s voice. “Hey, Bob! Listen! I know this is really short notice, but can I bring my girlfriend with me on the trip?” “Well, hello to you too, Rodney. It’s been a…

Kitchen Timer
Chapter 4 Three days later, Rodney returns to the mall, not having any luck in finding Bruce the other days. He hopes he finds Bruce that day. He is getting frustrated. In his hand, he is caring the kitchen timer. He has to give it back. Rodney walks to the store and spots the pretty…

Kitchen Timer
Chapter 2 Two sleet gray eyes watches Rodney staring at the mannequin. A smile spreads across his face under a shaggy peppered mustache. A tall, lean man in cowboy boots and hat stands up from the wall he is leaning against. He tips his hat at a group of women walking by before making his…

Kitchen Timer
Roll – A – Prompt Romance Book I let my youngest daughter pick which prompt book I should write a short story from. I then gave her one of her Scooby-Doo Dice and let her roll for me. She rolled for my character, my object, and my scenario. The character number she rolled was #…