Hot fire fills the little studio as Sharron melts a piece of metal. She can see her masterpiece in her mind. Now can she make it a reality is the question. She turns off the little flamethrower as she likes to call it and takes a step back. Frustrated, Shannon throws the piece away. She…
Tag: short story

Short Story from Writing Class with Wounded Warriors Beach goers scream and laugh as they jump in the waves. Cold water sprays over them as the waves do their best to push them back to the sand. Allyson puts her long wavy blonde hair up in a messy bun while she watches the waves. She…

Cabins by the Lake
A cool breeze pushes back the woman’s long black hair. Her golden flecked brown eyes stare out at the lake. Behind her, she can hear the birds chirping away as the early morning sun slowly stretches above the horizon. She smiles her glossy red lips and turns away from the lake. Out on the water,…

Pharmacist’s Wife
Chapter 7 After an open and shut murder case, Mr. Paul went to court and was found guilty of not only murdering Shiela, but his own wife, Jasmine. The police had found his wife hacked to pieces almost in the same manner as Sheila. Laying not too far from her body in a pool of…

Pharmacist’s Wife
Chapter 6 Two officers return to find Shelly now well enough to talk to them. She sits in the hospital bed, looking small and scared. Jeff doesn’t leave her side, holding her hand and telling her everything is going to be okay. The officers sit in extra chairs the hospital has provided and pull-out their…