Chapter 4 “We’re sorry you had to witness such a gruesome sight, Mr. Harris. We’ll start looking for your missing wife immediately, as well as the murderer.” The officer closes his notebook. He is about to step away but stops. “One last question. Do you know the victim?” “Yes, it’s Sheila Roberts. I knew the…
Tag: short story

Pharmacist’s Wife
Chapter 3 Jeff sits outside on the front stairs, staring off into space. The sight of what he had seen in the bedroom is all he can see. Even with people bustling around him. Lights flash, police run in and out of his house, and EMTs rush inside with a gurney. The squeaking wheels from…

The Most Important Treasure
Short Story from Autocrit contest written by me. Theme: Treasure Jonathan taps his pencil against his math homework as he listens to his mom chat on the phone in the other room. He glances at the clock to see if it’s time for his dad to come home from work. His deep brown eyes widen…

Kitchen Timer
Chapter 6 Rodney parks at the campsite. Riley bounces in the car chair, ready to get out. He chuckles at her behavior and hops out. He pops open the trunk and unloads while Riley gets out. She stares at the beach that sits just a few steps from their campsite. Bob, Chelsea, Theodore, and Carrie…

Kitchen Timer
Chapter 4 Three days later, Rodney returns to the mall, not having any luck in finding Bruce the other days. He hopes he finds Bruce that day. He is getting frustrated. In his hand, he is caring the kitchen timer. He has to give it back. Rodney walks to the store and spots the pretty…