Chapter 8 A few days later, on a cloudy day, a blimp putters once again in the sky over London, while children playing in the streets below are pointing up at it and waving, even though they knew that the driver of the blimp couldn’t see them. Simon drives past them, smiling as he watches…
Tag: stop murderer

The Memory Thief
Chapter 7 Janice sits in the library, staring down at some of the notes that had been taken from the family members and friends about the victims’ lives as well as interviews from those that have found the bodies. She chews on the end of her pen as she reads and re-reads the information from…

The Memory Thief
Chapter 5 The group pulls out the rest of the pictures and lines them up side by side, making sure that they get the close-up pictures of the left hands visible. They examine each picture, seeing a tan line from a single ring on the males and two rings on the females. Engagement and wedding…

The Memory Thief
Chapter 4 Janice stares out of the grimy warehouse window, rain pelting the world outside as she waits for Simon and Elizabeth to show up with the files in hand. Behind her, Jarred and Jock are setting up a table with one of the computers that Jarred had built and brought to use to take…

The Memory Thief
Chapter 3 Jarred stands over the body, staring down at the young woman’s face, her eyes staring up at him as if asking why this has happened to her. He lifts his head as he hears the voices of two of his team members talk to the news people about the body and giving as…