Flash Fiction- Theme- Summer Tarence looks out the front window after a hot Tennessee rain the day before. His gray eyes scan the green grass and he smiles. Time to mow the lawn. He is more excited about being able to use his lawnmower. Riding it always makes him happy. Tarence gets dressed and heads…
Tag: story

How To Get Your Words Read
I met the author of this informative article through my blog contacts. Jessica Brody emailed me about writing an article for my blog. I was intrigued so I said yes. This article is in her words, and I have to say, she did an amazing job. I really hope you all enjoy reading her work….

Rose’s House
Chapter 4 Jean and Tom shake their heads as they carry Rose’s things out of the house. As they load the back of their truck, a realtor walks up and places a ‘For Sale’ sign in the front yard. The realtor glances at them, smiles and walks off, heading back to her car. “It’s such…

Creepy Kawaii Kingdom- Coloring Book 1
Coloring Book by Daily Art Hour Coloring Book Review I love coloring books and have quite a few. I will review all of them, but for today, I am going to review the cutest coloring book I have found on Facebook. I stumbled on it in October through a page called Daily Art Hour. I…

Daily Exercise- February 27, 2022
Writing Exercise Write a short story using the ABCs. Start each sentence with the alphabet. Side Note I did not use Scout for this one. I created new characters for this one as well. And it was tough! Having to write a story where you can only start each sentence with the ABCs. I am…