Writing Exercise A bus just broke down. Using only dialogue, create 5 different characters. My Writing “Oh no, I’m going to be late for my appointment. I have to be there in twenty minutes or they’ll give my spot to another bride.” “It’ll be okay, deary. I am sure the driver is already calling someone…
Tag: writing romance

Daily Writing- January 16, 2022
Writing Exercises Write a short story with your character who had to deal with someone close to who died. Go through each stage of grief in your story: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. My Writing Scout stared at the newspaper where Officer Michelle Higgins smiled up at her. Scout read the obituary for the…

Daily Writing- January 15, 2022 – 2nd post
Obituary from my character’s enemy in a demon only newspaper On January 23rd, Scout Jensen will be buried by her family and friends. She was a 16 year old who went to Azriel high, training to become a demon hunter. We plan to have our own party on that day to celebrate her death. Bring…

Daily Writing- January 15, 2022
Writing Exercise Write your character an obituary. But not just one. You need two. One from those who love them and one from those who hate them. Side Note I took this one further by writing both an obituary and an eulogy for my character from both the loved one and an enemy. The one…

Daily Writing- January 14, 2022
Writing Exercise Write a short story about one of your characters that has a secret. That secret being some sort of information that no one has or can know about. Describe secret in details and how they plan to protect it. My Writing Scout stared down at the book that Mr. Powers, the Vice Principal…