Short Story from Autocrit contest written by me. Theme: Treasure Jonathan taps his pencil against his math homework as he listens to his mom chat on the phone in the other room. He glances at the clock to see if it’s time for his dad to come home from work. His deep brown eyes widen…
Tag: writing short stories

Kitchen Timer
Roll – A – Prompt Romance Book I let my youngest daughter pick which prompt book I should write a short story from. I then gave her one of her Scooby-Doo Dice and let her roll for me. She rolled for my character, my object, and my scenario. The character number she rolled was #…

Rose’s House
Chapter 3 Rose opens her eyes to find herself staring at her new house, outside. She looks down and pulls out the front door keys. They had been in her front pocket just like before. She jiggles them in her hand and instead of growing excited; she feels dread. Her legs push her forward to…

The Tide – Part 4
Two Days Later Archie finishes putting together a simple yet elegant display of poetry books about love in the front of the bookstore. He places a few fake flowers as the finishing touch. He looks up to see Mr. and Mrs. Collins’ son and daughter leave the office in the back with a couple of…

The Tide- Part 3
Archie turns to face the lake, lifts his arms, and chants in another language. After a while, the others join the chanting, their voices echoing loud throughout the cave. The Collins back away, frightened and unsure of what is happening. A loud roar drowns out the chanting voices and a large creature emerges from the…