I can’t express enough how much this blog has been a lot of fun for me. This series has definitely introduced me to a lot of great people, and I don’t just mean the streamers themselves. The people in chat have been great too, and quite a few of those in chat have become streamers or have decided to become a streamer.
- What is your Twitch name? BigseanLIVE
- Is there a special reason you chose that name? I was previously “G4L_Bigsean” I didn’t really like the name anymore and with recent changes to Twitch I was able to change my name. Also people would mispronounce my name calling me “GAL Bigseen” so I thought maybe it’s time for a change. LUL
- Why did you become a Twitch Streamer? I’ve always wanted to stream but it wasn’t possible back when I was a kid due to technology and when it was possible I never had the equipment. When I finally got what I needed it was a no-brainer.
- Why did you choose to stream for Twitch? Twitch was really the only thing around when I started and it’s the best regarding Live-streaming.
- How long have you been a streamer?
- Do you only stream or do you have another job? If you are comfortable in telling my readers, what is your other job? I stream Full-time
- What are your favorite games to play? I’ll play just about anything but some of my favorites are: Rocket League, GTA V, Red Dead Redemption and Geometry Wars 2 & 3 (I know I know it’s random
- What are your favorite games to stream? I mainly stream just Rocket League but will be transitioning more into variety.
- Do you have any games that you would like to recommend to my readers to play and why? I would recommend Grand Theft Auto V, BioShock Collection, and the Mass Effect Trilogy – Great Storytelling Great Gameplay. You will not be disappointed.
- Was it hard to talk to your viewers when you first became a streamer? How long before you became at ease with streaming? Talking with my viewers was never the difficult part, it was talking when nobody was there. I think that is the biggest hurdle for any new streamer is learning how to communicate when nobody else is watching. Probably about a month. Learning how everything works can be VERY overwhelming but once I learned how everything worked it was easy after that.
- Would you like to tell my readers anything else about yourself or your channel on Twitch? I enjoy chatting with my viewers and if there are any other questions you may have, then come on into my channel and ask. I am more than happy to answer your questions. And I hope that you have a great time while watching me stream.
His channel is twitch.tv/bigseanlive and I say go check him out when he streams. I think you should totally check out his streams.