Book Review The author, Carola Schmidt, has written such a powerful book for children who may have to face a very scary situation; being told that they have cancer. Her team reached out to me in order to read and review her book and I am happy to do so. Having had to deal with…
Month: October 2021

Diabetes Interview- My Family
As I had said in an earlier blog, I have interviewed many friends and family members. This next interview is with one of my family members who has to deal with diabetes every day of her life. She is definitely a strong one and doesn’t let diabetes stop her from living because she is constantly…

First Interview with Those Living with Diabetes
Interviewing Those with Diabetes The next part of my diabetes series is going to be interviews. I have interviewed family and friends who either have, knows, or lives with someone who has diabetes. I hope that these interviews will show you, the reader, that you are not alone and that you will hopefully not give…

The Woodcutter- Book Review
Written By: Kate Danley I wanted a book that was magical not only on the pages but how it was written and I found that when I by chance found The Woodcutter on Amazon kindle. I wanted to read a fantasy, one that would spark the imagination and one that would draw me in so…