Coffee Review
Coffee! I have tried a lot of coffee and I am always happy to write blogs about them. I haven’t yet found one I didn’t like but I am sure one day I will and if that happens…there will be a review. But this isn’t a bad review on coffee this time.
While looking for a new coffee to try, I came across Eight O’clock Coffee. It was 100% Colombian, too. I enjoy dark roasts and well Ryan, my husband, and I decided to try this one out. It was already ground so that made it easier for us, even though we do have a grinder if we get whole bean.

We brought it home, brewed a batch, and couldn’t wait to try a hot cup of coffee. It was bold, it was dark, it was delicious. I would definitely buy this or another one by Eight O’clock. I don’t know what other roasts they have but I look forward to finding out.

Ryan bought this coffee from the Commissary while we were stationed in California. We bought a lot of our coffees from there. Now that we don’t have a Commissary close by, we will either be buying online or when we go to Walmart or Save-A-Lot, our new favorite grocery store in our little town in Tennessee.
I will post a few links below so if you would like to find this brand of coffee to try, then you will have a few choices to buy from. I can’t wait to try to this one again, this time without sugar since back then, like I’ve said before, I used sugar in my coffee. Or maybe next time, we will try a different roast.
Trying coffees is a fun adventure and actually my next blog will be on a product, or a book, that will make the coffee journey more fun and memorable. Of course, I haven’t used ours yet, but I definitely plan to, especially since we have been trying so many new coffees.