Coffee Review
It has been a while since I had a good cup of dark roast coffee from Trader Joe’s. But do have to say that I would love to get another bag of the ground coffee. Ryan, my husband, was actually the one who picked out the coffee. We had been wanting to try a new coffee.

We were stationed in California at the time and we liked having at least 3 to 4 different coffees at one time so that we can rotate through them instead of just sticking to one until it was gone. So since we enjoy dark roasts, Ryan grabbed the coffee while were shopping at Trader Joe’s, which was quite rare at the time.

We usually bought our coffee on base but since we were in the area, we decided to just go in to check out some items that Trader Joe had. This was prior to Covid, too. I miss the pleasant days before Covid.
Anyways, the coffee was nice, dark, and delicious. I actually have found it on Amazon so I may have to get some more. So then that way, I can try it again, this time without the loads of sugar. But it is a good choice if you enjoy the darker roasts for your coffee. I say give it a try.
Here is the link I found where you can purchase your own Joe’s Dark Coffee to give it a try.