Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Years

I wanted to reach out to my readers and wish you all a wonderful New year. I hope that 2022 brings the end of Covid once and for all. I also hope that this new year brings you all laughter, health, family memories, new memories in whatever you do, vacations, and dreams come true.

I also hope that all of my readers had a magical Hanukkah, a blessed Christmas, and a beautiful holiday in December of 2021. I hope that you all were able to celebrate with your family and friends. And I hope you threw that door wide open to kick 2021 out and welcome 2022 in at midnight.

I still cannot believe that it is a new year already. 2021 seemed to drag with a lot of heart wrenching surgeries and health issues with my husband. As well as dealing with having our oldest child being in school but only by computer. Then my husband was medically discharged and our lives went upside down as we scrambled to find a house to buy in Tennessee. One house fell through because the sellers were stubborn and greedy, not wanting to drop the price when the houses around them were no where near the price they were asking for. We dealt with the ups and downs of putting bids in on other houses and losing out on them.

And then my husband, after dealing with vertigo and hearing loss, drove out to Tennessee to stay with his dad and step-mom while he went to look at another house we decided to put a bid on as well as to leave his truck at his dad’s place so we can all go in one car when it was time to move.

We dealt with leaving our friends and family behind in California as we drove cross country to move to a new state into a new home that we can finally call our own. We dealt with going back and forth with the bank for one thing or another while driving. We stopped and enjoyed ourselves on the drive out. We also kept our daughter in her old school for the rest of the year and she was on my laptop, even while on the road, doing her Zoom meeting with her class. We stopped to see family and let our kids spend time with their aunt and Nana. I also dealt personally with being attacked by family who were being selfish.

We finally made it to Tennessee to the little town we now call home and had to deal with a moving company who literally took apart everything little thing of our items to fight it on the moving truck. They lost several of our items and destroyed others, including my husband’s motorcycle. We fought tooth and nail for them to pay for the damages they had caused. They did finally only after getting the military involved.

We adopted 2 sweet cats, one that is almost a year old, Flower, and another who will be 7 years old this year names Fiona. We have bought chickens and lost chickens, and bought a few more, especially two handsome roosters. We have bought 6 ducks and laugh every time they yell at us to hurry up and come to their duck house to let them out and play in their pool. We now have a wonderful service dog, a standard poodle named Hugo, who has been such a great help for my husband.

My husband has been blogging and now will have a job that he is looking forward to starting now that he will have the equipment to do so. I have been working with our youngest while our oldest is taking the bus to her new 2nd grade at her new school. I continued to blog when I could and write my own books. I finished a horror paranormal book and even have finished editing it in 2021. I am still writing children stories for U&I Hawaii, a tutoring company, and am so grateful for my job with them. They have been so amazing these past three months and I cannot wait to continue my journey with them along with writing and publishing my own books.

Now 2022 is here and we are almost done getting this beautiful house to truly be ours, organized and decorated the way we want it. I am still having a hard time accepting that we don’t have to move after 3 years, since being so used to moving while being a military wife. That has taught me to not get used to a place since we will have to pack and move after 3 or 4 years, depending on Ryan’s orders.

We love our new town, our home, our daughter’s school, our church, and those who we have met since we moved here at the end of April/beginning of May of 2021. We are still dealing with Ryan’s health, including two upcoming surgeries. One that happens this month and not sure when the second one will be but it will be this year. But we are hopeful that his health will be gradually getting better.

I also have wonderful news that happened at the end of last year and will continue into this year. I will not be saying what it is just yet. I want to make sure that everything is in order first and then I will announce it in a special way.

I will continue blogging when I have the time; posting short stories, reviews, interviews, and whatever else pops into my head as I decided to open my website and let my fingers fly free on the keyboard of my laptop. My next huge endeavor though is to get our office in order and put together my writing area. I just bought a new desk and cannot wait to put it together.

I am looking forward to seeing what 2022 has to offer but I am also nervous since there is no promised tomorrow.
Again, I hope 2022 brings you all good health, safe travels, not to stressful work time, a year full of loving memories, organization if needed, and Covid on it’s way out! No matter what happens, do your best to enjoy your life with those you love and remember to keep your head high. You are an amazing person no matter who you are. And I hope that your dreams come true.