Writing Exercise Write 10 questions and answers between your protagonist and your antagonist. Side Note The questions and answers are between Scout, my protagonist teen, and an Ashmoday, my demon antagonist. I will write S for Scout and A for Ashmoday since I never gave him a name yet. Or I may have just don’t…
Month: February 2022

Daily Writing- February 4, 2022
Writing Exercise Think of our character and write their dream home. You can also put together visual boards of their dream house. Side Note For this exercise, I will use Scout. She may just be a teenager, but even teenagers sometimes dream about their future house and what they want. I did. I also didn’t…

Daily Writing- February 3, 2022
Writing Exercise Take 3 online quizzes and answer them like your character. Write a scenario as your character taking the quizzes and try to show their personalities through the quizzes. Side Note Before I write a short story, I will post the answers for each quiz on the internet. I will answer these quizzes as…

Daily Writing- February 2, 2022
Writing Exercise Find out if the groundhog had seen or hadn’t seen his shadow. Use that to write your character into a short story. Make it funny, make it emotional, make it any way you want. Side Note The groundhog saw his shadow, so that meant 6 more weeks of winter. For this exercise, I…

Daily Writing- February 1, 2022- Part 2
BigSeanLive and his gaming friends pick Loathing Answers to Questions from Part 1 Loathing She would talk down to people and always looked at people in disgust. Her primary goal is to make other people’s lives miserable because it made her happy. She never grew out of the high school phase. She is the “mean”…