Author Interview I have found another author to place before your eyes so you may get to know her and her writing. I have met her online by chance on Twitter some time ago and we have hit it off pretty good, I would say. So of course I had to ask her to do…

Let’s Get To know Katherine MacDonald
Author Interview Another author I had the fortune of meeting on Twitter and reading one of her books so far is Katherine McDonald. She is a real great lady and author who is ready to help when you need it and passionate about her writing and life. I reached out to her and I am…

The Name of Red- Book Review
Written by Beena Khan The author, Beena, approached me on Twitter to let me know that her book, The Name of Red, was free at the moment on Amazon and asked if I was interested, to download it and write a review. I snagged myself a copy, unsure at first if it would be something…

Getting to Know James Fuller
Behind The Author I have done book reviews for a few authors but I think it is time I dove into getting to know the author behind the books. One author I approached was none other than James Fuller, who I reviewed his Erotica Mythology book a few weeks back. He has quite a few…

The Rose and The Thorn- Book Review
Written by: Katherine MacDonald One of my favorite movies/ books is the Disney Beauty and the Beast and I have read another re-telling of the story years ago but nothing like this book. This story…what can I truly say? This re-telling of the famous Beauty and the Beast is a masterpiece all on its own….