Chapter 4 A cat! The man stares into the mirror once again, having just returned from work the next day. While in the shower, he tried to figure out how to make his life more interesting. He hates most animals but cats he liked. He remembers when he was a kid a stray kitten would…
Catastrophic Revenge
Chapter 3 What is that smell? It smells good but where is it? Torrance slowly opens her eyes to see an opened can of tuna just a few feet away from her. She hasn’t eaten since the night before when…when. She shakes her head, unable to remember what exactly happened the night before. She stands…
Catastrophic Revenge
Chapter 2 In the shadows of the dark bathroom, the young man with sad eyes washes his hands and does his best to wash the blood away. Once done, he flips on the blinding yellow bathroom light, the light buzzing to life. He stares at his washed-out face at the speckles of blood that had…
Catastrophic Revenge
A Short Story Idea given to me by Yvonne Hoffman, friend, and fellow DisneyNerd on Facebook. Idea- Female cat that is a murdered woman reincarnated. She is adopted by her murderer and now she wants revenge. Chapter 1 ‘Maybe I should have listened to my friends,’ Torrance thinks to herself as she quickens her steps…
Learning About Umbilical Hernias- My New Adventure
I have heard of hernias but not of their names or what types they are so now that I have been diagnosed with two different types of hernias, I decided to dive in deeper in my research about the subject. I was originally diagnosed with Ventral Hernia (I’ll post a link to my other blog)….