When the world is coming to an end because of an apocalypse like no other, who do you call? No, not our infamous ghost busting heroes. The man you want to call is Larson Pagan. The hard-working insurance agent has quite the second job that will help the world when everything goes south. When things…
Tag: author

I’m Back!
Issues I am back to blogging now that we asked for help to get my blogging page moved to a new hosting website since Site Ground was getting too expensive. At first, it wasn’t working so we found a great helper on Fiverr, and it looks like everything is up and running again. Now my…

Getting Burned- A Lesson
So Excited Back in 2022, I thought I had hit the lottery when I had found Hear Our Voice, LLC. I was over the moon that someone wanted to publish my stories. I wanted so badly to make them into books that I didn’t stop to think. I just jumped in and said yes, signing…

Journaling For Women Only Workshop – 1
Wounded Warrior Program- Kristen – Writers, Ink Warning: I opened up a lot during this session and I am going to be very real with you, my readers, as well. This and another one are full of raw emotions. Writing Warm up I write because… I write because it was an escape from the bullying…

59 Seconds
A Compilation of Short Stories This book has been out for a while and I should have made my announcement sooner, but I didn’t. I’m sorry about that. A big shout out to Tammy Yosich, Zoe Grace Publishing LLC, who did an amazing job putting this together with her friend, Shelley Mascia. Months ago, I…