Epilogue A few days later, a young man is walking with Cindy down the cat wing at the humane society. He is looking at the cats and kittens over and trying to find one that he would like to take home. Cindy stops in front of Alani’s cat condo to show the man the cat,…
Tag: catatroshpic

Catastrophic Revenge
Chapter 8 Hours later, Boston trudges tiredly into his house, ready for a quiet dinner with Alani and a quick game on his computer. He takes off his shoes by the door and looks around to see if Alani has come to greet him at the door. His face falls and he sighs disappointed that…

Catastrophic Revenge
Chapter 7 “Are you ready to head home, Alani?” Boston exclaims excitedly. He had gotten up early that Tuesday morning before he has to go to work. He checks over everything that he had put out for his new companion before he leaves for the humane society. Now he stands at the front desk with…

Catastrophic Revenge
Chapter 6 Torrance shivers in disgust when she feels Boston brush his face against her back. Though she couldn’t tell a lie, she did like the new name Alani that he has given her. She shakes her head, thinking to herself that she can’t forget the real name that her parents gave her the day…

Catastrophic Revenge
Chapter 4 A cat! The man stares into the mirror once again, having just returned from work the next day. While in the shower, he tried to figure out how to make his life more interesting. He hates most animals but cats he liked. He remembers when he was a kid a stray kitten would…