October Writing Prompts- Pinterest List by ZellyKatArt October 31- Cursed Hunter packed the bags in the back of the car while his wife, Iris, hurried their three children, Gwen, Deryn, and Arthur down the stairs of their house. The children hurried outside and to their car, not understanding fully of what was happening. Hunter smiled…
Tag: curses

Trinity’s Curse
Chapter 5 Trisha and Father Miles walk into the Trinity Cemetery over to a man digging a hole. The man looks up, sweat slipping down his forehead, and he smiles at the two. “This young man is Tony,” Father Miles says. “He showed up a few days ago looking for work. So I hired him…

Trinity’s Curse
Chapter 4 Steven lowers his hands. He looks around to see the wind is no longer blowing. The screaming has gone quiet and heaviness falls on his shoulders. Steven staggers to his feet, looking around. The crypts still surround him, but there are no sounds, not even the sounds of the night. His ears throb…

Trinity’s Curse
Chapter 2 A month later, Steven finishes another funeral before taking time to shower in his little house behind Holy Trinity church. It is an older church, not falling a part, but one day it could. Once clean, he heads for the local coffee shop to get a coffee and breakfast. He walks into Beans…

The Deadliest of Lovers
Chapter 14 Tanya stands in front of Morlock’s house before anyone is awake, her bags hidden in the stable ready to go once she has finished her business with Morlock. She looks around, her new cloak’s hood over her head and face to hide her from prying eyes but no one else is awake. She…