300 Horror Writing Prompts Book Written by Julie Wenzel Writing Prompt # 20- A soldier comes home from the war to his family. He quickly discovers that his house has become haunted. Why wasn’t it haunted before? What caused the haunting to start once he returned home? Chapter 1 Aiden wipes his brow under his…
Tag: fiction

A Story About a Lighthouse – Chapter 3
101 Paranormal Writing Prompts Volume 2- written by J. Dodson Writing Prompt # 7- The Lighthouse Chapter 3 Two weeks have gone by and Charles has kept the lighthouse up and running perfectly. Every night, the light shines bright and the ships pass, honking their thanks to the new lighthouse keeper. Indy and Annibel start…

A Story About a Lighthouse – Chapter 1
101 Paranomoral Writing Prompts by J. Dodson Writing Prompt # 7- The Lighthouse Chapter 1 Standing tall and proud, the lighthouse emitted its light high above the steep cliff and the dark ocean to steer ships safely to the little town’s port. The waves crash below on the cliffs where the lighthouse stands and soothes…

Murderous Contentment
4-23-2020 300 Horror Writing Prompts- Book Written By Julie Wenzel Prompt #46 Prompt- A plague is spreading across Europe causing people to act out in murderous ways. The only signs of the plague growing in your system before it consumes you is a rise in blood pressure and insomnia. Write about the wild murder spree…

Ruined Dreams
1-2-2020 101 Paranormal Writing Prompts Volume 1- Book written by J. Dodson Prompt #33- Urban Ruins A misty cold hand rests on a crumbling wall a sad, ghostly blue eyes watches a small group of three young men steps through the broken front door. The hand slides away as the men lift their flashlights to…