Flash Fiction A purple flower bursts free from the ground after a harsh winter. It sits proudly near a school. It watches high schoolers come and go every day, except for two days when they don’t come at all. The purple flower rejoices when more of its kind joins it. It watches as its friends…
Tag: flowers

The small town of Honeydew Falls sits snuggled in the mountains of Tennessee. The town square is bustling as everyone gets ready for a fall festival. The sky’s bright blue shines vibrant in the early morning sun. The birds sing, the dogs bark, and the town square is all a buzz. A group of cabins…

Cabins by the Lake
A cool breeze pushes back the woman’s long black hair. Her golden flecked brown eyes stare out at the lake. Behind her, she can hear the birds chirping away as the early morning sun slowly stretches above the horizon. She smiles her glossy red lips and turns away from the lake. Out on the water,…

Magical Photos by Nycole
Update on the photo magic Since the last time I wrote about the amazing photo edits done by Nycole Evans, I have joined her VIP group. I love the VIP group because we get to pick a free edit for that month, and she has so many choices. I have also purchased quite a few…

Daily Writing- January 25, 2022
Writing Exercise After thinking about your favorite aroma, give it a personality by making it into a character. Side Note I didn’t use one of my characters I already have made. For this exercise, I made a new character. It just seemed right for me to create this new character. And to tell you the…