Flash Fiction Theme- Pumpkins- Given to me by Cara Gordon Pumpkins sit on the ground in rows, waiting for little hands to grab them up and take them home. Oranges ones, white ones, and even small green ones still working on growing. Big ones, medium ones, bumpy ones, smooth ones. All the pumpkins dance in…
Tag: fun

59 Seconds
A Compilation of Short Stories This book has been out for a while and I should have made my announcement sooner, but I didn’t. I’m sorry about that. A big shout out to Tammy Yosich, Zoe Grace Publishing LLC, who did an amazing job putting this together with her friend, Shelley Mascia. Months ago, I…

Flash Fiction Theme- Summer Little Suzy twirls her dark brown hair while her emerald green eyes stare into the camera. She smiles as big as she can while the cameraman talks to the news anchorman. The news anchorman walks over to little Suzy, and she straightens her red and white flower dress. “Hi, Suzy, my…

Slasher Witch At The Waterpark
By Penny Moonz Book Review When I said I would be willing to read this book by Penny for an honest review, I didn’t know what I was walking into. A waterpark that has a witch? How is that going to work? But let me tell you, it definitely works. This book is NOT for…

Magical Photos by Nycole
Update on the photo magic Since the last time I wrote about the amazing photo edits done by Nycole Evans, I have joined her VIP group. I love the VIP group because we get to pick a free edit for that month, and she has so many choices. I have also purchased quite a few…