Chapter 2 Rose stands in front of her new house, shifting her weight excitedly. Rose pushes up her rose-colored glasses up on her nose and pulls out the keys from her front pocket. She jingles them as she walks to the door. Rose slips the house key into the lock. She giggles as she listens…
Tag: horror

Writing Prompt and Exercises First Prompt
Horror Prompt A trail of blood ends at the bedroom wall. How does your main character react? Main Character Rose- short black hair, deep brown eyes, rose pink glasses, legally blind without her glasses, 5’5″, 30 years old Rose’s House Chapter 1 Rose stares at her new home, a single story place with two bedrooms….

Trinity’s Curse
Chapter 5 Trisha and Father Miles walk into the Trinity Cemetery over to a man digging a hole. The man looks up, sweat slipping down his forehead, and he smiles at the two. “This young man is Tony,” Father Miles says. “He showed up a few days ago looking for work. So I hired him…

Trinity’s Curse
Chapter 4 Steven lowers his hands. He looks around to see the wind is no longer blowing. The screaming has gone quiet and heaviness falls on his shoulders. Steven staggers to his feet, looking around. The crypts still surround him, but there are no sounds, not even the sounds of the night. His ears throb…

Trinity’s Curse
Chapter 3 Steven hides behind one crypt, breathing hard since he was running only a few minutes before. He peeks around the corner, his eyes darting this way and that. Nothing moves. But he knows he saw something. Steven had been inside his sixth crypt when he heard someone walking around outside. No one should…