Flash Fiction- Theme- Summer Sitting at the coffee shop, Paul stares out the window. His mind is reeling with thoughts about the work he misses, about his retirement party a few years ago, about his late wife, and where he wants to go in life. He taps his thumbs on the table, waiting for his…
Tag: memories

Daily Writing- February 16, 2022
Writing Exercise Pick a character who are already using or make a new character. Have them talking but the first words out of their mouth is “I remember.” Go from there and tell us what they remember. Side Note I will be using Scout, Jennifer, and Katlyn, but to change things up, I will be…

Q.W.E.R.T.Y- A Book Review
I cannot tell a lie, a typewriter on the front of this book is what caught my eye when I was perusing the books written by Barbara Avon. And then she pulled me in when she said that it is a Paranormal novella. I was hooked and had to buy it on Amazon Kindle. What…

Which Witch? – Chapter 6
Writing Prompt # 72 Chapter 6 Jazz and Glenda laugh and talk to a few of their classmates during lunchtime on Monday. Jazz gets up from the table and hugs a few of the seniors that they see as they came over to say hi to them. “Jazz, your birthday party yesterday was amazing. Thanks again for…

Which Witch? – Chapter 5
Writing Prompt # 72 Chapter 5 Glenda listens to the laughter and excitement as her best friend turns down the music so that everyone can hear her announcement. Glenda gets back to work on the food, Jazz having picked a make-your-own taco line for dinner. She shreds the cheese while her magic cuts up the…