Two Days Later Archie finishes putting together a simple yet elegant display of poetry books about love in the front of the bookstore. He places a few fake flowers as the finishing touch. He looks up to see Mr. and Mrs. Collins’ son and daughter leave the office in the back with a couple of…
Tag: prompt book

The Tide- Part 3
Archie turns to face the lake, lifts his arms, and chants in another language. After a while, the others join the chanting, their voices echoing loud throughout the cave. The Collins back away, frightened and unsure of what is happening. A loud roar drowns out the chanting voices and a large creature emerges from the…

Antique Horror
Part 2 “My son, let me help you,” a voice says behind Amy. Amy snaps her head around to see who has snuck up behind her. She pulls herself free and lunges at the man in all black with a white strip in his collar. “Priest,” Amy hisses. “Go away!” “Demon, be gone! Leave this…

Roll-A-Prompt Short Story
What I Rolled If you roll an even number, your character is alone and you can choose and object. If you roll an odd number, you roll again for a partner for your first character. Then roll for an object if character is alone. And lastly, roll for a scenario. Character- #5- Elevator technician Since…

Daily Writing- February 15, 2022
Writing Exercise Think about the pet or pets you have owned. Create a character around one or all if you’d like. Describe that new character and give them a backstory. Side Note I have had hamsters, guinea pigs, and dogs while growing up. When I moved out of my parents house to be with my…