When I saw these on Amazon, I couldn’t wait to get them. I kept them on my list for a while and then a friend gifted them to me. I was excited and couldn’t wait to check them out. I haven’t used them yet, but I definitely will be using them soon. It’s a pack…
Tag: writing stories

Strange Curses
October Writing Prompts- Pinterest List by ZellyKatArt October 31- Cursed Hunter packed the bags in the back of the car while his wife, Iris, hurried their three children, Gwen, Deryn, and Arthur down the stairs of their house. The children hurried outside and to their car, not understanding fully of what was happening. Hunter smiled…

The Feast
October Writing Prompts- Pinterest List by ZellyKatArt October 30- Feast of Flesh Edna pushed up her glasses and looked through them at the older house. It loomed in front of her and her friends, Tina and James. They had been invited over for a Halloween feast by Cliff’s family. They never attended it before but…

The Voices
October Writing Prompts- Pinterest List by ZellyKatArt October 29- Whispering in the Dark Beth and Tex parked in front of a quaint cabin in the woods. They had planned a vacation in the mountains for over a month now, and it was finally time to relax. The couple grabbed their bags and hurried inside after…

Bubbling Horror
October Writing Prompts- Pinterest List by ZellyKatArt October 28- Cauldron Bubble Author’s Note: I have been sick for quite a while and that is why these are coming out late. Sadly, I haven’t had the energy to work but I will still post the rest for the month of October. Enjoy! Kenneth and his twin…