A baby lays asleep on the couch snuggled in her travel bassinet while her older sister plays games on her iPad, learning her ABCs and singing along with songs as they came up in her game on ABCMouse.Com. The TV plays a child’s show but neither baby nor child pays attention to it. Their mother…
Month: October 2018

Amazing Story
As I had stated in an earlier blog, I had the amazing opportunity to meet a fellow blogger who wishes nothing more than to spread positivity to those in relationships. Well I am pleased to say and share with you the link that will take you to his website where you may read my story….

It's In Her Smile
Dedicated to our sweet youngest daughter, Cara Lynn Gordon. <3 Big beautiful brown eyes stare up at me from her bassinet and a giant smile crosses over her face as she stares back into my eyes. Our second miracle baby had graced us with her presence earlier than August 4, 2018. She decided that she…

Keep On Laughing Baby Girl
Dedicated to our oldest daughter, Kierra Lee Gordon. <3 Blue eyes that have shifted to their gorgeous gray as she grew and brown fluff hair that had fallen out as a baby and sprang back to be a beautiful blonde, a thoughtful, smart, kind, and mannered baby girl has become our first rainbow baby back…

Beating the Storm
The sea roughly pushes the ship towards the angry rocks as they captain struggles to turn the unresponsive wheel, his gruff grunting filling the ears of his crew. The two couples cling to one another as they sit in the belly of the ship and struggle to keep upright as the waves push on either…