Has it really been 6 years? I decided to start blogging as an outlet for my imagination and self. An escape for myself that eventually turned into an escape for my readers. I needed a place to throw out my ideas whether fiction or nonfiction. Especially while I was writing my books, but my mind…
Category: Writing On Thoughts

Welcome 2022
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Years I wanted to reach out to my readers and wish you all a wonderful New year. I hope that 2022 brings the end of Covid once and for all. I also hope that this new year brings you all laughter, health, family memories, new memories in…

Their Perfect Time Together
A baby lays asleep on the couch snuggled in her travel bassinet while her older sister plays games on her iPad, learning her ABCs and singing along with songs as they came up in her game on ABCMouse.Com. The TV plays a child’s show but neither baby nor child pays attention to it. Their mother…

It's In Her Smile
Dedicated to our sweet youngest daughter, Cara Lynn Gordon. <3 Big beautiful brown eyes stare up at me from her bassinet and a giant smile crosses over her face as she stares back into my eyes. Our second miracle baby had graced us with her presence earlier than August 4, 2018. She decided that she…

Keep On Laughing Baby Girl
Dedicated to our oldest daughter, Kierra Lee Gordon. <3 Blue eyes that have shifted to their gorgeous gray as she grew and brown fluff hair that had fallen out as a baby and sprang back to be a beautiful blonde, a thoughtful, smart, kind, and mannered baby girl has become our first rainbow baby back…