Flash Fiction A purple flower bursts free from the ground after a harsh winter. It sits proudly near a school. It watches high schoolers come and go every day, except for two days when they don’t come at all. The purple flower rejoices when more of its kind joins it. It watches as its friends…

Unknown Help
Flash Fiction The sun smiled down on the city goers. People walked this way and that as they headed for home. Sharp gold eyes watched the people from a park bench. The city melted into the park then melted back into the city. The man who owned the gold eyes chewed on a toothpick. He…

Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024
Today we celebrate the last day of not only December, but the last day of 2023. I know that people don’t always have resolutions, but I do. Even though I didn’t stick with all of mine last year, I am trying it again this year. My list has gotten longer, too, because of the heart-wrenching…

Getting Burned- A Lesson
So Excited Back in 2022, I thought I had hit the lottery when I had found Hear Our Voice, LLC. I was over the moon that someone wanted to publish my stories. I wanted so badly to make them into books that I didn’t stop to think. I just jumped in and said yes, signing…

Bumpy Ride
Flash Fiction Theme – Pumpkins – Given by Cara Gordon A truck rolls over the bumpy road, dirt billowing up behind it. The truck driver takes a swig of his iced coffee. He turns into the driveway of a farm to collect his load of pumpkins. This time always makes him happy because he loves…