Author Interview When authors sit down to create magic, it stems from an active imagination, ideas from their minds or the world around them, and the power behind their fingertips. Elana McDougall is one such author I had the pleasure of meeting while skimming Twitter, and I am so happy that she said yes in…

Twitch Streamer Series- Part 72
Do you want more horror content, and especially when the streamer jumps and gets scared? Yes, those are the most fun streams in my opinion. I love watching the streamers get scared, and even better is when I get to be the one who scares them. But watching a streamer play a horror game and…

Twitch Streamer Series- Part 71
Finding more of those amazing horror content streamers has made my heart happy and I am here to share with you another amazing streamer. He and his community are also very welcoming, which I am so glad of because they will take good care of you if you are new to their stream and new…

Two Imaginations for the Price of One
A Writing Duo Asking for authors to interview has been such an amazing experience so far and when this writing duo came to me, I won’t lie I became excited as I have not interviewed a writing duo before. And these two sound like a great writing duo who definitely work well together. I am…

Need a new Author to Read?
New Author Incoming I had the pleasure of meeting Mark Snyder Jr on Twitter, and I asked him if he would like to do an interview with. I am glad he said yes because I always love meeting new authors on Twitter, getting to know them, and of course learning about their writing world. Bonus…