Laeros lands before nightfall, his wings growing tired from flying and stopping all day. Sapphire is annoyed that Sarah has made them stop so many times saying she needed to use the restroom or that she felt sick. They were nowhere near the area she had wanted to stop for the night, but they were…
Tag: author

A Quest For Love- Chapter 3
“No? No one lost a veil in here?” the man continues, staring around the silent room. “Sir,” Eric calls out, his voice cracking a bit. “Where did you find it? The veil?” The man turns his steady gaze towards the voice, spying Eric and Adam both staring at him, one with a ghostly pale face,…

I Want To Introduce You To Beena Khan
Author Interview I had the pleasure of meeting this lovely author on Twitter and was introduced to her book. I did a book review a while ago and I just bought the rest of her books which are now waiting for me to read in my Amazon Kindle. Her first book was moving and amazing…

Broken Shards of a Masterpiece- Audiobook Review
James Fuller Does It Again James Fuller has slowly crept up into my favorite Indie author shelf and he has done it again with another great book. He gifted me with an Audible book of his called Broken Shards of a Masterpiece, and I am wanting more from this book. It is a wonderful collection…

Let Me Introduce you to James Emmi the Author
Author Interview James has a wonderful fantasy book out right now and I loved it so much that yes it is on my favorite list. But I wanted to dive a bit deeper and find out more about this man behind the book so I approached him and asked him to do an Author Interview…