Author Interview Do you want to be transported to another land? Then maybe this next author I had the pleasure of interviewing will happily take you there. Jessica sounds like someone who will take you on a carpet ride, or better yet, a ride on a dragon to a new world to help you escape…
Tag: ebooks

Jordan, May We Know What Is In Your Head?
Author Interview An Author will live inside their head for years, only giving us a glimpse of what really goes on in there when they publish a new book or if you catch them in the mood to talk about writing. This next author, Jordan, is one of those who will show us his world…

Writing in It’s Finest by A Fictional Hubbard
Author Interview Just recently, like two years recent, I head about a third way of publishing that I may need to look into as I continue my journey towards publishing myself. I have met no one on Twitter who does Hybrid Publishing until now, and I am happy to do so because she has me…

Two Imaginations for the Price of One
A Writing Duo Asking for authors to interview has been such an amazing experience so far and when this writing duo came to me, I won’t lie I became excited as I have not interviewed a writing duo before. And these two sound like a great writing duo who definitely work well together. I am…

Need a new Author to Read?
New Author Incoming I had the pleasure of meeting Mark Snyder Jr on Twitter, and I asked him if he would like to do an interview with. I am glad he said yes because I always love meeting new authors on Twitter, getting to know them, and of course learning about their writing world. Bonus…