Chapter 2 In the shadows of the dark bathroom, the young man with sad eyes washes his hands and does his best to wash the blood away. Once done, he flips on the blinding yellow bathroom light, the light buzzing to life. He stares at his washed-out face at the speckles of blood that had…
Tag: fiction

Catastrophic Revenge
A Short Story Idea given to me by Yvonne Hoffman, friend, and fellow DisneyNerd on Facebook. Idea- Female cat that is a murdered woman reincarnated. She is adopted by her murderer and now she wants revenge. Chapter 1 ‘Maybe I should have listened to my friends,’ Torrance thinks to herself as she quickens her steps…

Beating the Storm
The sea roughly pushes the ship towards the angry rocks as they captain struggles to turn the unresponsive wheel, his gruff grunting filling the ears of his crew. The two couples cling to one another as they sit in the belly of the ship and struggle to keep upright as the waves push on either…

Mermaid Crystal Cove
Thin clouds slowly march across the yellow, orange, red, and slowly deepening blue sky as a lone figure steps out of a small cottage that sits high on a cliff. The light spring breeze pushes back on the figure’s midnight blue cloak and brushes back some long auburn hair from a pale slender face. A…

Gaming With Love
This is a short fiction story but it is dedicated to those out there who are in love and are in a long distance relationship. I have been there myself for three years before my husband (military and stationed on the east coast) and I (at the time preschool teacher and college student on the…