Wounded Warrior Program- Kristen – Writers, Ink Warning: I opened up a lot during this session and I am going to be very real with you, my readers, as well. This and another one are full of raw emotions. Writing Warm up I write because… I write because it was an escape from the bullying…
Tag: goals

Goals for 2023
One more post I didn’t want to make my blogs too long for these goals, so I have cut my blogs into 3 blogs. So, here is the last batch of my goals. I hope this helped you find your goals for 2023. My Goals 21. Travel more with my family.- We have driven cross-country…

Goals for 2023- Part 2
Let’s continue Okay, time to continue my list of goals for 2023. I hope the first one has helped you think of some of your own. It’s always good to have goals for yourself, whether for just a week, a month, or an entire year. It helps us organize our lives a little more and…

My Goals for 2023- Part 1
I talked about making goals and resolutions in my last blog when I welcomed 2023. Now I want to share with all of you my goals for 2023. I say goals, since these are more specific than resolutions. But you can have either or. And please, in the comments, share a few of yours. And…

Welcome 2023
A new year is upon us It is now January 1, 2023. A new month, a new date, and a new year. Where did 2022 go? It seems like we all were just watching the ball fall and we were in 2022. Then we blinked, and here we are celebrating another new year. How crazy…