One more post
I didn’t want to make my blogs too long for these goals, so I have cut my blogs into 3 blogs. So, here is the last batch of my goals. I hope this helped you find your goals for 2023.
My Goals
21. Travel more with my family.- We have driven cross-country a few times, but we want to do more traveling. We want to show our girls more of the states. Eventually, we would like to take family trips to Hawaii and Alaska. And then family cruises and vacations to other countries. I just have to take something for motion sickness for the cruises and to face my fears of flying so we can enjoy traveling out of state and to islands in the US more. But for now, we want to travel more around Tennessee. Keep our family vacations in state or to the surrounding states. Especially because we need a bigger van. Having Hugo now, we don’t get a lot of room in the back for our things like groceries, so I can only imagine how it will be with our luggage. We have a van, but even with the van, there just wasn’t enough room.
22. Play more games with the family.- We have so many games, but we rarely ever play them. Especially since our girls are young. Our oldest will understand the rules of the game, but our youngest has a hard time. The girls received more age appropriate games, so we can play those more and as Cara grows, we can introduce her to the other games. But we definitely need to do more games together. It is a lot of fun.
23. Have more movie nights.- I mean, why not have more movie nights? More movie night with the family, and with just my husband and me. I love snuggling on the couch with the girls or with my husband with the light off and a great movie on the TV. And we don’t do it enough. Popcorn, candy, drinks, just like at a movie theater, but, of course, in the comfort of our home.
24. Coloring nights.- I love to color in adult coloring books. I’ve also bought several coloring books for my husband and my two girls, so we can color together. Just put on some music and color away at night after school gets out or during the day on the weekends. It’s a lot of fun.
25. Do more art projects with the girls.- I love watching my girls create with paint, glitter, canvases, or other items I pull out of my old preschool stash. Watching their art grow and change as they get older and practise more is amazing. Plus, they make great gifts for the family.
26. Read more.- I used to read a lot. I could read a book in less than a month and now I barely read. And when I do read, I take forever to read just one book. And if I want to write more book reviews, then I need to read more. Plus, I miss reading. I want to dive back into reading and go to other worlds again. Meet new characters, see where they go, and what happens. Plus, I have a lot of unread books, so I need to get them read. Might be a goal for many people.
Your Goals
Well, that is the end of mine. Where do your goals start? Do you have a long list like me? Are they based around yourself or your family or your friends? Remember, self-care should always be a huge goal for every year. I need to do that more myself and hope more goals pop up that are more me centered. Like finding time to revisit some old hobbies, or escape the house to write at my favorite coffee shop more.
I hope you find yourself this year. I hope you stay safe and figure out some goals that mean a lot to you that you want to accomplish. Go for it! Make a list and go for it! Good luck in 2023.