Are you looking for a new way to get excited about writing? I was and I am so glad I came across this website, thanks to a twitch friend, Coffee Quills. I was looking in categories for something new to watch and decided to look for writing streams. I found Coffee Quills and have enjoyed going to those streams. I noticed she was using an interesting looking website I had never seen before.
I asked her a few questions about the website and learned quite a bit, so I had to check it out for myself. I have now been using 4thewords for over a year and love it!

This isn’t your typical writing website either. How do you ask? 4thewords is a game. Yes, you read that right. A game. You get to create your character, meet others in the community, and you fight monsters, whether alone or in co-op. Some super cute, some creepy, and some really cool looking monsters.

How do you fight these monsters? With your words. You start a project, and you can add a cover whether one they provide or one you download. You can keep the projects private or make them public. Then you add a title and chapters. Once that is done, you can look around. There is a story to follow, side missions, people and monsters to meet, and once you meet the monsters you can add them to a list. This list will hold your monsters and as you type, your words hit the monster and their experience, or life, will go down until you defeat them.

You can add up to 30 minsters now. It used to be a lower number, but with the most recent update, you can add more, which I think makes it easier to be able to have a larger line up of monsters to battle than just 10. You can also hit the pause button and either make it where you only battle one monster at a time or fight the monsters in your list one right after the other without a break. I have done both, and I like both. It really does depend on your mood though on which way you want to fight them.

There is so much you can do on this website that you’re going to just have to check it out yourself. I think even if you aren’t a writer but looking to give it a go, this website might be worth to check out. You get a few days free then you do have to pay, but in my opinion, it’s well worth it. I also believe the desktop view is much better than the mobile one.
Here are a few pictures from my account. I say check it out for yourself. It is definitely a lot of fun.

Here is the website so you can check it out.