Chapter 11 Three days come and go and soon the girls are home from their next adventure, excited to be back so they can tell their friend Lennie, who sadly couldn’t go with them, all about the new town they went to and about the items they bought. As the wagon drives past Morlock’s home,…
Tag: help

The Deadliest of Lovers
Chapter 10 Stacy and Tanya squeal like little girls as they walk into the village of Spring Valley, which sits three days East of their village. Behind them, the horse-drawn wagon steadily moves forward being led by Tanya’s father and filled with their supplies and sleeping bags that they used along the way on their…

The Deadliest of Lovers
Chapter 8 The week skims by quickly and soon she has found herself up early on the day she plans to leave to go to the next town where she must complete tasks 3 and 4. She has told her parents that she wishes to go and find new fabric for new clothes, having grown…

Super Fun Children Book- The Alekizou and His Terrible Library Plot
Add This Book To Your Shelves I had the honor of a publishing company approach me via email in order to read a new children’s book, The Alekizou and His Terrible Library Plot, that will be available next April 2020. I was delighted because as a former Preschool Teacher and now a mom of two…