Writing Prompt # 72 Chapter 3 “Phew so glad that my workday is over,” Glenda tells Jazz as she eats a fry smothered in nacho cheese sauce. “Today was rough, even more than last Saturday or even any day the past week when I worked after school.” Jazz laughs eating her own french dry dripping…
Tag: horror

Which Witch? – Chapter 2
Writing Prompt # 72 Chapter 2 At the mall early Saturday morning, Glenda yawns as she heads inside to open the coffee shop where she has worked for the past 2 years. Unlocking the gate that closes it off from the rest of the mall and lifts it up enough for her to walk under….

The Painting
5,000 Writing Prompts Written by Bryn Donovan 150 Horror Writing Prompt- Prompt # 95- The Painting looked different the last time she viewed it. Warning: This story does become graphic and gory. If you are not into that sort of thing, please do not read or read knowing that I have warned you! My Story…

300 Horror Writing Prompts Book is written by Julie Wenzel Prompt # 28 Prompt- The monster locks eyes with mine. Nothing I do allows me to pull away from his gaze. I am completely paralyzed with no voice to scream with. My Short Story I sit at my desk, staring at the computer, the blank…

Coming Home – Chapter 5
300 Horror Prompts- #20 Chapter 5 Six years have come and gone and Aiden is still missing, the searchers had come up empty-handed that day, the day before, and for weeks after. Carol had gone back to the house several times over the past five years hoping to find Aiden herself or even maybe find…