October Writing Prompts- Pinterest List by ZellyKatArt October 31- Cursed Hunter packed the bags in the back of the car while his wife, Iris, hurried their three children, Gwen, Deryn, and Arthur down the stairs of their house. The children hurried outside and to their car, not understanding fully of what was happening. Hunter smiled…
Tag: mental

Visual Processing Deficit
What is it? Visual Processing Deficit/Disorder is a learning disability that as is stated in its name deals with the visual aspect. Just like Auditory Processing Deficit with your brain linked with your ears to help you understand things, your brain is linked to what you see visually. In those without the disability, your brain…

Twitch Streamers Series- Part 84
This next streamer I met while chatting in another streamer’s chat. He is super nice, and we clicked really well. He began to stream himself after a few others, including myself, told him maybe he should give it a shot. And I am glad he is streaming because he chats about mental health, something that…

Stepping Into the World of Blogging
Proud of my husband and the start of his new journey My husband has decided that it is time to start his own blog and I couldn’t be happier. I always knew that writing and creating things is a great way to heal and to make yourself feel better. And now my husband, Ryan Gordon,…